What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ?


It is a group of symptoms in a female which affects her from menarche to menopause characterized

by menstrual disturbances , obesity , excessive androgen related problems like extra hair on the face

and body , acne and many more metabolic problems depending upon severity. Along with these troubles ,

She is having polycystic ovaries (Multiple small follicles in the overy).

This problem also called as ‘Thief of Womanhood'

Gravity of PCOS

Many of people are not aware of PCOS.

It affects adolescent girls, reproductive phase and perimenopausal ladies.

Obesity is the most common feature. Menstrual Irregularity , acne, sometimes increased hair growth

( Androgen dependant )

And few ladies may not have any menstrual complaint like irregular cycles.

Parents think their daughters are healthy (obese) as they feed them well . But actually most of the

time these girls are suffering from PCOS and hence are putting on weight .

Young married women with irregular cycles are unaware of the gravity of this problem . They suffer

from infertility , obesity , depression . Even if they conceive they can have pregnancy complications.

Perimenopausal women get irregular bleeding , abnormal lipid profile , tendency for diabetes mellitus ,

carcinoma endometrium