Q.1) What is PCOS ?
PCOS stands for PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome.
It is primarily disease of ovaries . Genetically predisposed females alongwith modern lifestyle (Fast food, fast life with electronic gadgets) leads to formation of multiple cysts in ovaries (which are basically premature eggs which fails to ovulate) Which produces multiple symptoms: like Irregular cycles, Acne,Hirsutism,Obesity,Acanthosis nigicans, Hypothyroidism, Hyperprolactinemia, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.2) Dr. How many years it lasts?
It starts with Menarchae and ends with Menopause. It affects whole of reproductive phase of woman’s life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.3) Is there any remedy?
Yes. It includes medical and lifestyle management. With this we can reverse all the hormonal disturbances and hence its consequences. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.4) I am 20 years old college going girl. I am getting extra growth of hair over my lips & chin. I feel low esteem. What is the solution?
I think you are suffering from Androgen excess(male hormone). One of the causes is PCOS. You need to be evaluated and then further management will be decided. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.5) Doctor I am 18 yrs old . My weight is 85 kg. In last 3 years my weight has increased from 60 to 85 kg. I feel depressed. Please let me know the way out?
My dear, you need to loose weight soon. Such a speedily rise in weight points towards some hormonal disturbances. This needs to be corrected. So consult your Gynaec. Also restrict your calories intake and do physical exercise. No need to be depressed, your realisation for weight is a good sign and now next step is your action plan as I advised you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.6) Doctor I am 32 yrs old , married 4 yrs back. Trying for baby since 2 years. My weight is 78 kg ,my height is 151cm . Doctor said my BMI is more. Can you explain me ?
BMI is Body Mass Index, it is weight per meter square of height. High BMI is suggestive of Obesity as in your case. Women with high BMI suffers from infertility . This is due to complex of hormonal disturbances which affects normal conception. So you need to loose weight and consult your Doctor for Hormonal evaluation and accordingly medical treatment . It has been observed that sometimes even 5 – 10 % weight loss is enough to get conceived . ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.7) I am 30 years old ,married 2 years back. Trying to conceive. My weight is 42 kg my height is 162 cm . My menses are regular. My doctor said I am having polycystic ovaries. What can I do ?
You come under lean PCOS category. PCOS is polycystic ovaries. PCOS can be obese or lean. 20% of PCOS can be lean. Sometimes stress which lead to cascade of hormonal disturbances and result ultimately in PCOS. You need to undergo de-stress management like Yoga or Pranayama and medical management for PCOS and as well for infertility (ovulation induction). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.8) Doctor I am under infertility treatment since 3 years. I am tired of ovulation studies in every month. What is the outcome ? I am totally depressed
My dear, I need your detailed investigations, your age, and what kind of ovulation induction is being done. Infertility treatment has advanced a lot. So many options are available. And last one is Test Tube Baby. No need to be depressed, send me your details, let’s see what can be done for you. Take Care. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.9) I was under treatment for PCOS. Now I am pregnant (2 months ). Can you explain the problems in pregnancy ?
During Pregnancy you can have gestational diabetes , Pregnancy induced hypertension in later part of pregnancy. In early pregnancy we are more worried for Abortion. Hence you need to be in contact with your gynaec and follow as advised to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.10) Doctor I am diagnosed as PCOS . I am obese and age 36 . I am having 2 kids. But I am getting heavy menses. Can you tell me the risks of PCOS in this age ?
At this age you can suffer from Endometrial Hyperplasia. You can have tendency of developing Diabetes , Hypertension , abnormal lipid profile And more worrisome is possibility of Endometrial cancer if all above are present . ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.11) I am obese but I have regular menstrual cycles. Is that my obesity linked to PCOS ?
Yes. In spite of having regular menstrual cycles you can have PCOS. 20 % of PCOS patients can have regular menstrual cycles. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.12) Does everyone with irregular menstrual cycles have PCOS
No. One of the causes of irregular cycles is PCOS ; There are also other causes. For Ex. constitutional. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.13) Is PCOS completely curable ?
No. We can control consequences of PCOS with medical and lifestyle management, but 100% cure is not possible at present. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.14) Does all obese suffer from PCOS ?
NO. There are many causes of obesity and PCOS is one of the most common cause for obesity in females. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.15) My daughter is suffering from PCOS. Can she marry ?
Of course, she can! PCOS does create problems for conception but it is curable. It is not at all impossible. That way even completely normal females too , are sufferer’s of infertility called as Unexplained. And with the control on weight and under proper medical supervision your daughter can conceive without much difficulty. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.16) Is PCOS genetically related ?
Yes, mostly Paternally inherited genes are responsible for PCOS. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.17) Once I conceive and complete my family I should not be concerned about PCOS?
No. One has to be concerned about PCOS, as it affects all phases of Woman’s Life. You can have early onset DM – Diabetes mellitus, HT - Hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Also there is risk of Endometrial Hyperplasia in later part of life. So, you need to be under regular medical supervision. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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