
Upcoming surge of PCOS due to changing life-style in this modern era made us to think
about to start this club.

PCOS starts with menarche (ie with beginning of menstrual cycles in young girls) and ends with
menopause (in elderly women) ie. If affects young girls, reproductive phase & perimenopausal women.

So it is the need of the community to think about it.

We are providing

  • Medical Management
  • Hormonal Regularization
  • Infertility Treatment
  • Treatment of PCOS Associated Problems
  • Counseling
  • Life style management
  • Yoga / Exercises
  • Diet planning

Let us join PCOS club


PCOS            PCOS            PCOS

Let us understand PCOS

It affects three main phases of female life

ie Adolescent/Reproductive/Perimenopausal phase.

It is the life style mismanagement disease!

1st turn of life – Adolescent phase (10-20 yrs.)

Menses irregular

Weight gain more & more

Pimples, excess growth of hair

Irritability, depression, tension

Needs tender love & care

2nd turn – Reproductive phase (20-40 yrs.)

Same troubles! Same symptoms !

Tendency of infertility

Hormonal irregularity

High risk in pregnancy

Please take care

3rd turn – perimenopausal (40 yrs. - around menopause)

Some add on problems in different course

Diabetes, raised blood pressure,

Obesity, abnormal lipid profile,

Menstrual disturbances – A persistant trouble

Cancer endometrium on high risk drive,

Needs attention, awareness & care.

Really PCOS needs – Healthy thinking and habits

ie. Life style management